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About the school

We are a secondary school in Gorlice in southern Poland (800 students aged 16-19). We teach general and technical subjects. Within a wide range of curriculum, in general education (II Liceum Ogólnokształcące) we put a special focus on:

  • Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
  • Biology and Chemistry
  • Polish Language, Geography and History
  • Foreign languages (English, German, French and Latin)
  • Preparation for police work

and in technical education (Technikum Nr 1) on:

  • Informatics
  • Electronics
  • Mechatronics
  • Devices and systems of renewable energetics
  • Organisation of advertising

Our school combines tradition with modernity. For over 60 years of its existence it has educated successive age-groups of students in the areas of oil and mechanical industries. Later, general education was undertaken and new technical training was introduced. The patron of our school is Ignacy Łukasiewicz, a 19th century inventor, entrepreneur and community worker, who rendered outstanding services to the development of oil industry and the region. His entrepreneurship, passion with which he devoted himself to work and people, are values still valid in our process of education.

International cooperation

Education takes place not only within the school walls. Our teachers and students willingly participate in international projects, whose subject matter is the past on the one hand, and the modern world on the other hand.

We took an active part in a project within Lifelong Learning Programme, Comenius, from 2009 to 2011 in the partnership with the following countries: Cyprus, Portugal, Italy and Greece. The name of the project was “Sun, Wind and Hydro: the Future of Mankind”. The students exchanged the results of their research and, among other activities, worked together on the construction of prototypes, which used renewable sources of energy.

For ten years we have continued students exchanges with the school KTA Wollemarkt from the city of Mechelen in Belgium within a Flemish government sponsored project ”Euroclass – Schools for Democracy”. The main subjects of mutual visits in Poland and Belgium concern the two world wars, education systems and culture of both countries.

In 2014 we started cooperation with a German organisation Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge from Thuringia. At the beginning of the cooperation a group of our students took part in a summer workcamp in Germany. As a continuation, a meeting of young people from Poland, Germany and France is planned to take place in Gorlice. Its main topic will be focusing on the Battle of Gorlice, which took place in 1915 during World War I.

Gorlice and the region

The town of Gorlice (nearly 29 thousands of inhabitants) is located in Malopolska Province, a region known for historic heritage and natural beauty. The city of Cracow, the Salt Mine in Wieliczka, the Tatra Mountains nad the Pieniny Mountains are within a one-day trip distance from Gorlice. Our guests also visit the former Nazi concentration camp in Auschwitz - a place of significant importance for the history of the world and upbringing of future generations.

Among many interesting objects, in the close neighbourhood of Gorlice wooden Catholic and Orthodox churches are worth seeing. They are so unique that they have become a part of the UNESCO World Heritage. The town of Gorlice is one of the most important spots in the Carpathian Galician Oil Route which was established to honour the fact that thanks to Ignacy Łukasiewicz this region became the cradle of the world oil industry.

Gorlice became the arena of one of the greatest battles of World War I in May 1915 . From December 1914 the city was on the front line, where the troops of the Central Powers (Austro-Hungarian and German) were standing opposite the Russian troops. Fights were ineffective. On May 2 nd a sudden and unexpected offensive of the Central Powers against the Russian positions led to a deciding battle. As a result, the Eastern Front was broken and the Russians were forced to withdraw. During the Gorlice offensive more than 20 000 soldiers were killed and buried in over 400 cemeteries. These war cemeteries were designed in a very thoughtful manner by eminent architects. Situated in typical for this region forests and hilly landscape, they are still places of remembrance of those tragic events.

Come and meet us in 2015!

In May 2015 commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the battle of Gorlice will be held in a special way in our town. We hope to continue the cooperation with our partner schools and institutions, as well as we are open to new contacts. We hope to host young people from other countries. Welcome to Gorlice!